Today we read Joshua 1 thru 14. The Israelites finally enter the Promised land. We tend to talk a lot more about God parting the Red Sea when they fled from Egypt. But here we are again with water in the way. As soon as the priests carrying the ark of the covenant stepped into the Jordan River the flow of water was cut off and it piled up like a wall. Please understand that the Jordan was at flood stage. Again they crossed over on dry land.
Here is what amazes me, the priests stand in the middle of the Jordan holding up the ark of the covenant until all of the Israelites (1 million, 2 million?) crossed over. And then they had to wait for Joshua to pick a man from each tribe, 12 in all, to each gather a stone from the middle of the Jordan. Why? Read chapter 4. When this was done Joshua ordered the ark of the covenant to be brought over. As soon as the priests stepped out of the river bed the water resumed flowing.
I can't help but wonder. How long did this all take? Were there relief priests? A changing of the guard?
You ever heard the story of the sun standing still, stopped in mid day for about a full day? All because Joshua asked for it. There has to be more to this story. I think someone even wrote a book about it.
Day 17 tomorrow. We finish up Joshua and move into Judges.
Till next time...