Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 90

On May 1st a number of men from KFA embarked on a challenge to read the Bible in 90 days. Today is day 90. I have read the Bible in 90 days.... Thank You men for the support and encouragement. It was an honor to go on this journey with you. I would love to hear from you regarding your experiences.

So, what did I learn?

I learned that God is faithful! OK, I had head knowledge of his faithfullness. After reading example after example of God's faithfullness I believe that understanding has moved into my heart.

I have so many thoughts running through my head right now that I can't figure out what to write. Totally lost right now. Who knows, maybe they will come out in future blogs. There is so much that I have read and learned.  

Here is what really excites me now. I know that God's word does not return void. What is God doing in my heart right now that I cannot see or feel? What is God doing that I don't know about yet? The knowledge is great but I am looking for heart transformation. And since our Gois faithfull I am sure he will oblige.

By God's grace I was able to conquer this challenge. I think most men love to beat a good challenge.

So what is next?
  • Jump out of a perfectly good airplane?
  • Climb Mount Kilamanjaro?
  • P90X?
  • Run a marathon?
Till next time...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Doubting Thomas

When I think of Thomas (Didymus) I recall him doubting the resurrection of Jesus. Then I read John 11:16.

Jesus had received word that Lazarus was sick. Yet Jesus waited  2 days before he said to the disciples, "let us go back to Judea" verse 7.

 Now Judea was the place where they wanted him dead so this was a huge risk to Jesus and his disciples. After a bit of discussion Thomas speaks up in verse 16. Then Thomas (called Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, Let us also go, so that we may die with him. 

Even faced with death he remained loyal to Jesus. Even though he did not fully understand he remained loyal to Jesus. 

Here Thomas is loyal to Jesus but later he doubts. How often do I go back and forth between loyalty, obedience and then doubt or not understanding. How about you? 

Till next time...  

Friday, July 13, 2012

#B90X Day 74

To all of you KFA men who took the #B90X challenge I applaud you! This has been an exciting and revealing journey so far. We are coming down the home stretch with only 16 days left.

I encourage you to finish strong. If you are behind, that is OK. But finish, no matter whether it is 90 days or 120.

I have been blessed beyond measure by this challenge. By meeting with you men on Sunday mornings and discussing what we have read. You have helped me understand things I did not get. You have brought to my attention things that I missed. I Thank all of you for that.

I really believe that this challenge will be a springboard to furthur Bible study for many men including myself.

So again, I encourage you to finish strong.

Till next time...  


When the Lord began to speak through Hosea, the Lord said to him, “Go, marry a promiscuous woman and have children with her, for like an adulterous wife this land is guilty of unfaithfulness to the Lord.”

Obedience can be difficult. Could you or would you marry a women who was an adulteress or you knew in advance she would be unfaithful?  

How about the comparison of an adulteress woman and the people's unfaithfullness to the Lord. Do you think our land is any different today? Does this comparison still apply?

The Lord said to me, “Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another man and is an adulteress. Love her as the Lord loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes.
So I bought her for fifteen shekels[a] of silver and about a homer and a lethek[b] of barley. Then I told her, “You are to live with me many days; you must not be a prostitute or be intimate with any man, and I will behave the same way toward you.”

OK God! You want me to what? Buy her back from the man she is fooling around with? And I am supposed to love her? Are you serious? OK, I don't get it but OK.

Back to the comparison, Love her as the Lord loves the Iraelites! Even though they turn to other Gods.

This speaks volumes to me. First of all I am guilty! I am guilty of sin, of allowing other idols into my life. But the Lord loves me (you) in spite of that. He loves me (you) so much he wants me (you) to turn back to him. It does not mean there will not be consequences for my (your) sin. What more can I ask for than to have a God (the Alpha and Omega, the one true God) who loves me and wants to have relationship with me.

What do you think?

Till next time...

Monday, July 9, 2012

#B90X Day 64

Isn't it amazing how God continues to get his people in positions of authority? Now, Daniel is a most trusted advisor to Darius. Not only that but Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah hold prominent positions in the Babylonian government.

Do you recognize those 3 names? How about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? How about the fiery furnace? Now how is it that these 3 were tossed in the fiery furnace, extra hot I might add, but Nebuchadnezzar sees 4 men walking in the furnace? Who do you think the 4th man was?

Sorry, got away from Daniel. Apparently the ability to intrepret dreams was a big deal back in the day. This is what got Daniel into his prominent position.

As a kid the story of Daniel and the lions den fascinated me. As an adult it still does. Throw a stone over the entrance. Just Daniel and the lions chillin. I find it interesting that the King came first thing in the morning to check on Daniel. Wonder what he was thinking as he approached? Daniel is fine, not a scratch. I know what you are thinking! The lions just were not hungry right? I don't think so. The false accusers with there wives and children were tossed in the lions den. Before they reached the floor of the den they were overpowered and their bones crushed. What was the difference? 

God is faithful! God is in control! Do you believe that? Do you live life trusting a faithful God?

Do I??? Daniel did!

Till next time...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 59

On day 59 of the #B90X reading plan we moved into Ezekiel.

Did you know that Ezekiel was a street preacher in Babylon for 22 years?

How about that he lied on his side for 390 days with only one 8 oz.meal cooked over manure a day?

He shaved his head and beard. I have read this before so this must have been a big deal back in the day. If you can explain this to me I would love to hear from you.

He showed no sorrow when his wife died.

I am almost afraid to write this but I think God is taking it easy on us. Are the things he is asking us to do really that tough?

Till next time...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

#B90X Day 56

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

This is one of my favorite verses. Why can't I rest in this promise? Or am I?

Till next time...

#B90X DAY 54

On day 54 we moved into the book of Jeremiah.

For 40 years Jeremiah was God's spokesman to Judah. For 40 years the people of Judah did not listen or respond. Not exactly E.F. Hutton I guess.

Here are some other highlights of his career.
  • he was thrown in prison
  • he was thrown into a cistern
  • he was taken to Eygpt against his will
  • rejected by his neighbors, his family, the false prophets, his audience, friends, and the kings.
  • He was poor
How do you do that? 40 years with no one listening. No one changing their ways. Could you do that? 

What prophets are speaking into your life right now, but you are ignoring because you do not like the message?

Oh, I almost forgot the most important highlight.

God loved Jeremiah. Why? He was true to his calling. He persevered through it all.

Jeremiah 1:4-5 The word of the Lord came to me, saying, 5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

Are you fulfilling God's calling on your life? I ask this of myself as well.

Till next time...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

#B90X Day 49

The reading moves into Isaiah, considered to be the greatest Old Testament prophet. Somebody mentioned to me the other day that there are 3 key areas a man needs to be to lead his family. They were Prophet, King, and Priest.

Prophet was the one that really caught my attention. Not that I fully understand the other 2 but what is a prophet. A prophet's role is to speak for God. To confront and challenge people with God's commands and promises.

As I read Isaiah, Jeremiah, and now Ezekiel I wonder why anyone would want to be a prophet. It sure seems like there is a lot of doom and gloom being foretold. It kind of reminds me of the street corner preacher who is preaching nothing but hell and damnation. Who wants to be that guy? It does not seem to be the way to win friends.

Ahh, but that is not what this is about is it? Winning friends.

Isaiah 6:8 "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? and who will go for us? And I said, "Here am I. send me"

Did you catch that word "us"? God and Isaiah, us.

The more I think about this prophet thing I realize it is about hope. It is a warning, an opportunity to change direction before the consequences become severe. It is the call we are getting from God to turn back to him.

You know, I am OK with being a prophet in my family. Here am I Lord, send me!

How about you guys? Are you willing to join me?

Till next time...

B90X Day 48

As I told you in the last post I am going back and reviewing some of the earlier days readings.

Todays reading was Ecclesiastes 3:1 through Song of Songs 8:14.

Sorry guys, I am not going to write about Song of Songs. At least not in this post. I want to talk about Ecclesiastes.

Here is Solomon the wisest man around, loaded with wealth and everything a man could ever desire, talking about how meaningless it all is. If this is the case why do we men spend so much time effort and energy working for advancement? Why do we have to have the nice boat, or nice new car? The nicest house or the best landscaped place in the neighborhood?

Let me ask a question. What is the response you get when you ask another man how thing's are going?
  1. The highly descriptive answer, "Fine" or "Good"
  2. Oh man, work is just crazy right now. It's just too busy.
  3. My wife____ I will stay away from this one.
When was the last time the response was "Let me tell you what God is doing in my life!"

I don't think Solomon is saying that these things are bad. Chapter 5:18-20 says we should find satisfaction in our toil. We should enjoy our possessions and wealth. This is a gift from God.

Apart from God though all these things are meaningless.

Till next time... 



I have to admit that I am struggling with what to write on this blog. I do continue to keep pace with the #B90X reading plan.

I think right now I am missing what God is trying to speak into me. With that being said, today I am going back to Day 48 and reviewing each days reading as well as staying current.

Hopefully my heart will hear what God is speaking to me.

I might even blog about it.

Till next time...