Friday, July 13, 2012

#B90X Day 74

To all of you KFA men who took the #B90X challenge I applaud you! This has been an exciting and revealing journey so far. We are coming down the home stretch with only 16 days left.

I encourage you to finish strong. If you are behind, that is OK. But finish, no matter whether it is 90 days or 120.

I have been blessed beyond measure by this challenge. By meeting with you men on Sunday mornings and discussing what we have read. You have helped me understand things I did not get. You have brought to my attention things that I missed. I Thank all of you for that.

I really believe that this challenge will be a springboard to furthur Bible study for many men including myself.

So again, I encourage you to finish strong.

Till next time...  

1 comment:

  1. It's been a great journey. Will almost be sorry when it's over.
