Monday, April 30, 2012

The Day Before

Tomorrow is May 1st. It is also the first day of the B90X reading plan. The first day of reading the entire Bible in 90 days. I still don't have a real plan. Do I get up earlier and read in the morning? Do I read at night before I go to bed? I wonder if I will have the discipline to do it...

It is bad enough that I am dealing with all of my own questions and doubts. It makes it harder when people within the Christian faith make reading the Bible into something negative. Things like "Why don't you pick a chapter and really study it" I guess because that is a Bible study and B90X is reading. Or, "that is just being legalistic". You HAVE to read so many chapters a day?

So, to all those who can't find it in their hearts to encourage men to crack open the Bible and read it I would suggest you keep your comments to yourselves. We are not interested in your negativity!

So, to all of the men out there that have accepted the B90X challenge, let us stand on Isaiah 55:11

"It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it."

Let us read the word that God has sent out. His promise is that it will ALWAYS return fruit..Let us see what God wants to accomplish in our lives. 

Till next time...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


What a great weekend... I had the opportunity to serve with 2 professional drywall finishers this weekend. Not only that but they were great guys to "hang" with.

The weekend was spent @ Spencer Lake Christian Center finishing drywall.  You have to understand something here. I do not like doing drywall! So, Pat & Ralph, Thank You for your patience with me and the tips that you gave me. It was great to watch you guys use your skills. It certainly is not as easy as you guys make it look.

So, let me ask all of you, Where are you serving? Are you serving? I would love to hear about your serving experiences.

Not only is serving a great blessing to others but it blesses you also. You do NOT need any special skills. Just the willingness to step out and say "I am here to help".... 

Let's serve!

Till next time....

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Porn Weekend

I am honored to be part of a couples life group. At times we do something a little out of the ordinary. This last Sunday we got up early (4am) and traveled to North Ridge Church in Marshfield, Wi.

The purpose was to attend Porn Weekend. Not your ordinary title for a church service.

Craig Gross, the founder of was the guest speaker. It was refreshing to see this topic covered in church. It was also good for us men in the group to have our spouses learn more about this.

They say that pornography does not discriminate and based on my experience working with men for the last 10 years I would agree. It attacks the rich and the poor, lawyers, bankers, construction workers, all segments of society. It even attacks right in the church. We cannot deny that any longer. We cannot continue to pretend that it does not exist. It is so sad to see men admit they have a problem AFTER they have lost everything. Spouses, families, jobs, etc.

Just to be fair, this is not just a men's issue. 35% of all visitors to pornographic web sites are now women. If you survey the under 40 age group that percentage jumps up to 40%.

So, if you are tempted, or struggle with porn please check out This is a site that has resources to help you in this area. I would also encourage you to connect with a men's bible study. Chances are you will find other men who are or have struggled with pornography. They would love to walk the journey to freedom with you.     

Thank you Craig and xxxchurch for following God's calling into this ministry.

Thank You North Ridge Church for having the courage to bring this issue out into the open.

I believe that God is calling men to a higher standard. A standard that has no room for bondage to sexual sin or pornography. A standard that will lead our families to follow Christ for generations to come.

I would love to hear what you think.

Till next time...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


For over 10 years I have led a Men's small group Bible study. This has been a tremendous blessing to me.

I recently asked my mentor "how do we improve Men's biblical understanding? Both the context and how it relates to us today?" "Shock them" was the response I received. Do B90X, read the bible in 90 days. My first response was to ask him what else he had, but I knew better than to ask. I knew he was both right and serious.

You see, I have not been able to read the entire bible in a year let alone 90 days. I had the usual thoughts that I would not have time, or if I read that fast I would not comprehend what I read. What holds you back?

But, the more I thought about it, the more I listened to God, the more excited I got. What a CHALLENGE!!!! Why can't I do it? I realized that I DO have time and God has promised that his word will not return VOID.

So, this weekend Kenosha First Assembly will be presenting this challenge to the men.... I hope that you will join us on this journey. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us.

Till next time....


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What Have I Done?

Have you ever agreed to do something and then wonder what you were thinking? That is exactly where I am right now. 

You see, I don't write. I don't journal and I rarely take notes. So why have I agreed to blog?

I am willing to bet that God will reveal the answer to this question somewhere down the line. 

As if that is not enough, I also agreed to B90X. Look it up KFA men. The challenge is coming. I believe that you are up for it.

Let's take this journey together. I believe that God has big plans for us.

Till next time...