Friday, June 1, 2012


 I keep hearing people talk about how the world today is so bad, so far away from God. On the surface I get that but reading the Old Testament makes me wonder;

What's up with all of the genealogy? Was it really neccessary to go over it again in Chronicles? 

Why did God feel it was neccessary to repeat things. Did we need all of the details for the temple twice.  

If we could interview God,
  • How would he respond to comparing the people of todays world with the people of the Old Testament times? 
  • How would he explain the importance of the genealogy?
  • Why is it we need to be told or asked more than once? Especially us men.
B90X has been a wonderful challenge for me. Writing about it has been an even bigger challenge. I am so glad that I am though. It has renewed my passion for reading and understanding. It has also created all kinds of questions, things to research and study up on when I am done with B90X.

What are you wondering about?

Till next time...

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