Friday, May 4, 2012

B90X Day 4

I have to say that I value good friends. Over the years being involved in ministry to men I have met and gotten to know a lot of great guys.

Tonight was men's night out for our Friday night group. They helped me move a piano to my house. (Please don't ask me why and especially don't ask Terri.) Then we went out for dinner. Just a great night of relaxation (after the piano) and fellowship..

I can't overstate the value of good friends. If you are missing out in this area I would encourage you to get involved in a small group and invest time in relationships...

So tonight a special shout out to Dave Paielli, Pat Cowles, and Steve Dutler. You guys make me laugh, you challenge me and you encourage me. Life is so much better with you in it. Thanks

By the way, it seems there is great value in being able to interpret dreams.

Till next time...

1 comment:

  1. "Sing me a song, The Piano Man...Sing us a song tongight..."
